Tuesday, July 15, 2008

HU at Full Tilt

I did deposit on Full Tilt last night, and play some $30-$50 HU SNG's. I didn't play a huge amount, but was 2 tabling for a small part of it without too much effort. I take pride in the fact very few people accepted a rematch, and I offerred on all but one. That was the indication to me that I had the edge, because I didn't feel unhappy playing anyone again, they mostly seemed to be +ev for me, whether I won or not. It's not like everyone had monster problems pre flop or whatever, it's more like they'd just eventually do something really stupid which didn't make sense, and made calling with 2nd pair or top pair really easy. The biggest leak most weak players have is to play back at you in big pots. I guess I'm generally getting a big pot going with a big hand regardless of how aggro I may seem, so to take me on in those pots with air (which they often had) is indeed dangerous. Nothing funnier than seeing someone reraise 700 chips to be down to their last 350 and fold to a shove. But I'm definitely picking up plenty of chips pushing people around, so as long as I play sensibly in big pots, I should have a big ROI at the levels I'm playing.

I have feelings about FTP being a bit rigged, so my first HU was no doubt funny. I worked hard to accumulate a big lead, and had him down to 2200 to 800 before he had a brain fade and 3 bet shoved with Q2 vs my AQ, which was the easiest call ever, even though he hadn't done that before. He hit a 2 and took the lead. I then got in a couple of spots, and was down to something like 1700 to 1300 when I managed to get him litterally donating a victory to me when I flopped a straight with 56 on a 789 board, he held 75 for bottom pair. Of course a 6 comes on the river for a push. I then get caught up in a pre flop war and lose AJ to AQ. The odds of me losing the SNG would have been like 20 to 1 when we got the money in AQ vs Q2, but I did lose.

Fortunately things smoothed out from there, and I found myself winning 8 of the last 12 for a small profit. My last one was a 4 man, so I won the first against the most passive player, which took forever, then got crushed on the final table in a matter of moments when an aggro player showed up with the goods each time I looked him up. He was the best player of the night by far, as aggression was his name, although I did feel a little unlucky running AQ into AK for the final hand, which would have easily thrown me into the lead had I won that pot.

Anyway, up a few dollars, 190 FTP points, which is a little short of points needed for potential iron man status, but I probably won't reach for that this month anyway, considering I'm starting half way through the month. I'm looking to pay for next months CR membership in FTP points though, so at this rate need to play close to 9 nights to clear enough points by the end of the month. I'll probably give that a shot, and then finish off my OnGame deposit bonuses. I'm also not completely convinced I shouldn't be playing pokerstars where there are more games running, but I did find enough players to keep a fairly steady flow at the $30 to $50 level.

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