Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Video done, some thoughts

I finished my video (I think), and some interesting things came out of it. When I was doing the video, I didn't want to do the audio, because I thought it would be a mess, even though Joseph suggested putting the audio on after. Last night I put the audio over the top as suggested, and had a pretty decent insight into my game. I made the moves I pretty much would have except a couple given the hands and reads I had, which suggests my B game isn't far off my A game, as I definitely felt B. It also suggests my feelings of playing bad are probably more about not having the skill, than not being able to apply that skill. I mean, there is definitely game time room for improvement, like getting more solid reads, and using some pre flop and flop stats and stack sizes a bit more, and table selecting harder, but overall, a lot of the things I'm doing wrong there are due to the skills I bring to the table.

One thing that keeps bugging me is thinking about some hands I've had recently (and over time) is having way too many all in hands where I'm nearly drawing dead or am drawing dead, like he has KK vs QQ overpairs, or I have nut flush/straight on a paired board and he has a boat, I have two pair, he's completed a straight, etc etc. I find myself overplaying some marginal hands for stacks. So at times that's OK, and I get on an upswing, other times it's very dangerous. I would like to get a video done where more of these type of hands happen, so I could go over them in more detail with peers.

The one that did happen was AJ from the button. An aggro BB 3 bet, which he would do a lot if I had more button raises. I figure my AJ is ahead of his range by a bit and call, to see J88 flop. I just never put a huge part of his range on a JJ+, so when he cbets, I minraise, which I planned to do if I missed the board too a lot of the time. He miraises back, almost getting it in anyway, and I have no trouble getting it in, he has 86s. So i figured my Ace outs were good as well as J outs, and I might even have him crushed with him drawing to a K or Q or 2 outs to his lower pair. Reality was I'm drawing to 2 outs or a runner runner Aces :) This is really where I get myself into trouble, with no easy way out and it's frustrating. I maybe have to re-evaluate hands where I hold a normally strong hand that is now drawing dead or almost dead to some obvious hands, when players make what I'd consider a strong move.

I'm probably just rambling, but overall I'm excited to be getting coached right now, and I really feel like by the end of the month I will be a "better player without question", not just a "better player I hope" like my normal development goes.

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