Sunday, September 14, 2008

First table selecting results, and more goals

I just blogged about my leak finder week 1. That will be a point of reference for me, and I'll blog the results throughout the week.

Basically, back onto NL10 Full Tilt. while trying out these theories. Obviously I'm not currently bankrolled for more, but I also feel like it's actually not a bad base to work from. I also feel like part of my problem last week, where I returned 5 losing sessions in a row, is playing lazy, not respecting players. They aren't necessarily good players, but what are they really repping by 3 betting/raising the flop against your top pair? If I was more observant I'd realise they are really quite tight, and will very rarely bluff in that spot. But I just figure players are donks and call. Sometimes I was right, more often I was wrong.

So the table selecting will actually really improve this. Already last night I took every situation seriously, and gave credit to players raising if they deserved it. My one table selecting was pretty straight forward, probably even came too late. I lost about $12 on one table, with a loose player raising me a lot post flop, and finally having the goods against my top pair with a flopped set. I didn't fully pay him off, as I had a weaker kicker, but I wasn't in a good spot and left. The next table ended up very profitable, so it shows how important table selection can be.

I still returned a very small loss, which is still frustrating, but I'm just happy to be working hard to improve my game again, and felt like I played pretty well, and definitely table selected better.

Some things to keep doing which I did well last night:
* Sit down only in good spots based on stacks sizes and stats if available.
* Watch out for loose players to my left
* Give tight players more credit for hands when make moves.
* Keep the tables to a limit where I can easily improve this part of my game, which is currently 2, but I'd prefer 3 by the end of this week

Some things I'd like to work on tonight which I didn't do (or didn't do well) last night:
* Data mine before playing, and sit on waiting lists of juicy tables rather than randomly picking an available table
* Have a timer popup every 15 minutes telling me to check tables, and follow through
* Pay even closer attention to post flop play
* Find statistics on the HUD that will help me more with table selection
* Every 15 minutes, look for reasons not to quit, rather than reasons to quit.

Overall, I think this is really the next step forward for me as a poker player. When you focus less on results, and more on how to best influence those results, it can only be a good thing. It really makes light work of the so called grind when you have more to play for. Also I can really see that proper table selection will actually work towards fixing other major leaks I have like not paying enough attention at the tables, poor self control and not giving players credit.

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