Friday, August 1, 2008

Ups and Downs

Yep, worst possible end to July, best start to August, both at the tables and away.

I thought I played well two nights ago, but luck didn't go my way. I should have crushed is but lost minor amount due to just getting rorted. 3 times in July I got it in on a flop as AA overpair vs another 1 pair hand, like AA vs K8 on a 853 board, 3 times I lost these coin flips (where I'm about 80% favourite). Anyway, luck was one way traffic. I was very happy with my survival skills, and I think I was choosing my spots pretty well.

The next night was a disaster. Again coin flips (QQ vs A2 AIPF, 70% favourite?) were't going my way, so in a very unlucky spot I decided to cool it for a bit and play some 6 max. Talk about running and playing bad. First hand dealt, I get 44 and hit a set on the flop, but of course so did he, 1 BI down. I continued to get my money in bad or with monster draws. I actually think my HU game was partially responsible, because KQ on a Qxx board is the nutz in heads up, but in 6 max it's up against AQ for stacks :) So I finished off the night at HU cash, and lost money some cooler money there too, and made a comback playing about as good as I could. All up, when I finally checked my balance it was down $350 for the night, which was probably close to $500 at the worst point.

I'm happy to report I didn't even give this loss a 2nd thought Friday and had a great day with my family (sons birthday). It's major tilt control when you have a big loss/gain and it doesn't affect your mood tomorrow. Anyway, I fired up just enough SNG's to clear my first 100 point day for the Iron Man in August, and was up a little after that. I started checking ROI's, and only one player was a profitable HU player, for a little under $1000 profit. Everyone else was a 2-15% loser, some playing 100's of games at a 14% loss! Why? Anyway, headed over to HU cash, and I owned souls. The first one was little more than running like god. If he had a set I had a straight, if I had a set, he had top two pair, etc. He eventually quit me down 2 BI's. Next couple of players I evened out against, and then decided to be silly and join a game with $22. I lost it, and rebought for $20. Well by the time I left the table I was on $320 after owning 3 players. I didn't run like god either, there was just some major soul owning. I was making 2/3rd BI bluffs at some points, and this profit includes some of those not working too.

All up I'm back in the black after a big swingy patch, but it's safe to say I'm loving HU cash now. Getting people tilted seems to be my niche :) I completed bronze iron man too (woohoo) and am probably just going to aim for silver this month if I keep playing HU all month. HU cash is much slower at getting points, so I might grind SNG's still, and finish my nights at cash, or at least that's the current plan. I'll probably start a couple of theory posts about HU cash soon, but for now I'm off for a long weekend with the wife, so this is the last of anything poker related for 3 days

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