Sunday, October 26, 2008

More HU details

I forgot to mention one thing about winning 5 BI's at HU last night. How I did it! I said I ran good, but feel like blogging about it now.

Well I was logging on just to get the OnGame ball rolling after not playing there since my tilty days. As I mentioned, the filter was left on micro HU cash, and I just felt like I've been playing so much HU lately that I should give it a go. I was up 30c when one guy quit on me, then another came on for $20. I lost 2 medium pots to him, but felt he was playing bad, just too loose. I stacked him pretty easily in the end and he left, but nobody joined up the table with me sitting on over $45, so I went over to another table with a $9 stack. This was the fun table.

Basically, I took half of that stack with the rivered nutz (or close to), and then he doubled up with an all in spiking against my better hand (like A9 vs K4 or something). He then insta shoves the next hand and I have A9 again, and I call again to be up against T7s and I hold, he rebuys $10. I then get dealt A9 again, 3rd time in 4 hands or something, raise it and he shoves, I have A9 and hold again. He then rebuys for $20, and raises for which I call with T9s. The flop comes down QJ8ss and it's all I can do to stop laughing when he open shoves the flop after I check to him. I call and he has Q9 and doesn't improve and he leaves.

I now have $45ish after buying in for $10 (just covering the $8 stack) and someone buys in for $30. OK, this may be more serious poker perhaps. It's fairly obvious pretty quickly that he's way too aggressive. PF is raising $1.50-$2.50 for 30c blinds, and he's 2/3rd potting every street regardless of position or board texture. I'm getting some decent top pair hands, and just calling him down and winning EVERY pot I enter. He's probably down $30 before winning a small pot. He's never letting his stack go below $30, so all I'm seeing is my stack grow and his reload. I'm up to about $60 when I get a big all in with the best of it and hold. Then the reload, and again I get a good hand and sink his stack again. Reload again, this time to only $21.38 or something random. Yep, this is his whole bankroll now. It's at this point I stop running like god, and even thought I'd buried him, but instead double him up as he has the nutz for once. Again he's just way to aggro with air though, and I get him down to $20 and I have a hand where I'm good right the way through but end up rivering the nut flush against his Q flush and straight draw. I knew he'd have a flush and overplay it, so I checked to him on the river and he 3x the pot shoves. I have the stone cold nutz and put an end to his bankroll, sorry for that. Quite a fitting end I thought.

Unfortunately, the end of the year is looking a bit slim for poker. I have just returned from holiday and have almost 3 weeks until my mum arrives now. She stays for 3 weeks, so poker will be minimal during this time. Then it's daughters birthday, Christmas, new years etc. It's unfortunate, but I'm going to have to play fairly lightly between now and then, so will work on my core problems, but not sure how much I will trully put into poker this year. I can't even give much thought into seriously improving my bankroll between now and 2009.

Next year will be big though. I plan to finish off this year with at least some big gains in my game, so that next year I can focus on grinding and working my way up the poker levels. Call this the pre-season if you will. I'll spend time looking over leaks and ways to exploit the game, and then by next year, I'll be ready to crush the game. I really look forward to this and think it's very possible for me to do.

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