Monday, December 1, 2008

Ahhh OnGame

1. Get comfortable on OnGame again.
2. work on table selection given stack sizes and player types.
3. Work hard at playing optimal preflop and flop strategy based on reads

How do I feel:
A little sick, just be two tabling at most

1. Best describes OnGame: WOW, fuck me, WOW, WTF is going on??? Amazingly bad players, but tough night due to variance.
2. Table selection wasn't perfect as I had loose players on my left, but then they were bad, and I had even looser LAG's on my right, so not terrible table selection
3. This had me playing very face up, as most people don't believe you have a hand. Played fairly tight pre flop, didn't try many bluffs. Need to 3 bet more still.

Nothing too much to report, it's been very quiet poker wise the last few days. I joined up OnGame to clear a big bonus. That will commit me to OnGame most of this month I think. The games were scarily bad. 30 VPIP was considered tight, 4% 3 bets were considered aggro tilt monkeys, and anything above 1.2% AF was a maniac basically. One player resembled TAG/LAG stats and even he was 30/18 rather than 20/18.

As it stands if the players are really this bad here, I have to jump up and take a shot at NL50. Not because I'm really that confident at this site yet, but if there are players like this giving their moeny away at higher levels I need to know, and not leave that level. If it's not the case, then that's OK, I'll drop down.

I'll blog November results and December goals soon.

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